Congress: Pass Legislation Soon to Protect Dreamers

The Maine Council of Churches calls upon Congress to pass legislation quickly to protect Dreamers from deportation. These young people should not be punished for the actions of their parents who left their home countries to escape violence and persecution and to find a better life in the United States.
Lobsterman’s Park, Portland, 6/23/2017

Faith leaders from the Maine Council of Churches who attended Friday’s press conference outside Senator Susan Collins’ office included (L to R): UCC Maine Conference Minister Rev. Deborah Blood, MCC Board member and UCC representative Rev. Alyssa Lodewick, MCC Vice-President Rev. Allen Ewing-Merrill, and MCC Executive Director Rev. Jane Field.
Shooting A Jarring Reminder to Sow Love Where There Is Hate

On a baseball diamond in Alexandria, VA, hatred and anger took an ugly turn June 14 as a man with a history of domestic violence and two legally acquired guns shot four people, one a member of Congress…read more
Decolonization and the Role of Faith Communities – Augusta

On Saturday, June 24, 2017 Maine-Wabanaki REACH is sponsoring a free and open to the public workshop – Decolonization and the Role of Faith Communities.
Interfaith prayers for a humane budget

Rabbi Susan Carvutto, surrounded by people of faith, urged compassion at a legislative hearing Feb. 22 in Augusta. An interfaith prayer vigil, attended by about 150 people, followed in the Hall of Flags.
Bishop Robert Deeley condemns Trump’s immigration orders
The Sun Journal, Tuesday, January 31 Maine Catholic Bishop Robert Deeley and other religious leaders in Maine condemned President Donald Trump’s ban on some Muslim countries, saying it goes against Christian teachings and what the country stands for…. Read More
Maine’s religious leaders condemn Trump’s immigration ban
Bangor Daily News, Jan. 30, 2017 Religious leaders in Maine on Sunday and Monday condemned President Donald Trump’s executive order banning immigration from seven Muslim nations.
Maine Council of Churches Condemns Executive Order on Immigration

Maine Council of Churches Condemns Executive Order on Immigration
A Maine Pledge To Protect the Civil Rights of Immigrants

A Maine Pledge To Protect the Civil Rights of Immigrants