Decolonization and the Role of Faith Communities – Augusta

On Saturday, June 24, 2017 Maine-Wabanaki REACH is sponsoring a free and open to the public workshop – Decolonization and the Role of Faith Communities.
This workshop is intended for people of faith who wish to understand the destructive impacts of colonization and take actions to repair the harms to Indigenous people, the land, and creating a more just and compassionate society.
The workshop will be held from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm at the Unitarian-Universalist Community Church of Augusta, Maine at 6 Summer Street in Augusta.
Discussion facilitated by Reverand Carie Johnsen and Maggie Edmonson, films, and activities will explore the role of churches in the colonization of the US and the disproportionate and lasting brunt borne by Indigenous peoples. Participants will be asked to identify acts of decolonization that can repair harm, promote justice and heal relationships.
The workshop will provide beverages and snacks, but participants are advised to bring a brown bag lunch.
Please sign up for the workshop by visiting this link to our REACH website events page: Decolonization Workshop – Augusta. If you have questions about the workshop, you can direct them to:
[email protected]