Resource Sharing and Support for Maine Churches Providing Social Services During the COVID-19 Emergency

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At the Threshold: Congregations and Their Buildings in the Time of COVID-19

Today we are releasing “At the Threshold: Congregations and Their Buildings in the Time of COVID-19,” a set of recommendations for Maine’s churches as they begin discerning how and when to re-open their buildings for in-person worship services.
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Interactive webinar for clergy and funeral directors to discuss funeral protocols during and after the pandemic

On Friday, May 8, MCC hosted an interactive webinar for Maine funeral professionals and clergy to discuss funerals and grief in a time of COVID19. Click here to watch the recording.
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An open letter to Governor Janet Mills and Dr. Nirav Shah and to Maine’s churches and the clergy who serve them,

The Maine Council of Churches, on behalf of our seven member denominations, their 437 congregations and 55,000
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Like you, we at the Maine Council of Churches have only had a short time to receive and consider Governor Mills’ April 27 announcement that as of Sunday, May 1, “limited,
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Covid -19 Resources

Our member denominations are doing an extraordinary job of supporting their congregations during this emergency. We encourage you to rely on your denomination’s resources for guidance and support:
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BTS Center

They are offering excellent podcasts, prayer huddles and webinars for clergy and people of faith. If you haven’t already, be sure to check out their webpage “Creativity, Compassion and the Coronavirus”: BTS Coronavirus Response
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Covid-19 Severe Blood Shortage

The Red Cross is seeking both immediate donors and intermediate donors. You can go to and click on the donate button and the website will direct you to a donation center. Please encourage faith communities
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On Tuesday, March 24, MCC hosted an online meeting for clergy and lay leaders of churches in Maine who run programs like food and essentials pantries, clothing closets, shelters, soup kitchens and community meals, all of whom are facing significant challenges in continuing to operate these vitally important services during the COVID-19 crisis.
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Convocation 2020

Engaged Hope: Grounded Leadership in an Era of Ecological Emergency
his year’s Convocation will invite faith leaders and faith communities to be part of a transformative response to the current climate crisis. These times require spiritually grounded leaders who embrace an active, embodied practice of hope — leaders who dismiss the paths of denial and despair and choose to live in a state of engagement. This kind of hope is different from passive optimism — it is a way of being in the world, rooted in faith, expressed in action, and sustained by contemplative practice.
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