“The Civil Discourse Curriculum”

MCC has a longstanding commitment to promoting honest, respectful dialogue that honors the dignity of every person’s voice. We are delighted to announce that the Episcopal Church has just released a new 5-week curriculum for congregations entitled “The Civil Discourse Curriculum.” It is perfect for a Lenten study, but can be used any time. It is available for free.

The Episcopal Diocese of Maine as they announce the election of The Rev. Thomas James Brown as their next Bishop

The Maine Council of Churches celebrates with the Episcopal Diocese of Maine as they announce the election of The Rev. Thomas James Brown as their next Bishop. We look forward to welcoming Rev. Brown to Maine, and working with him in the years ahead as together we seek to build peace with justice and guide justice with love. At the same time, we give thanks for the extraordinary colleague and brother in Christ we have had in Bishop Stephen Lane who will be retiring in June.

With profound sorrow and deep outrage

With profound sorrow and deep outrage, the Maine Council of Churches condemns the anti-Semitic act of hatred and lethal violence perpetrated on the worshiping congregation of Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh this morning, and extends our prayers, our sympathy, our support and our solidarity to them and to our Jewish siblings here in Maine.

MCC Urges Collins to Vote No On Kavanaugh: She Votes Yes

MCC shared the statement below at a news conference Friday, five hours before Senator Collins announced she would vote to confirm Judge Kavanaugh.

MCC Condemns Incivility Aimed at Collins and Staff

As an organization that has been committed to promoting civil discourse for nearly a decade, the Maine Council of Churches is appalled at the horrific vulgarity and threats of violence being directed at Senator Susan Collins and her staff. We condemn in no uncertain terms

Maine Council of Churches Stands in Solidarity With Our Muslim Sisters and Brothers

As people of faith, we condemn the Supreme Court decision to uphold the administration’s travel ban on people from several mostly Muslim countries

Denominations Condemn Separation Of Families

The Maine Council of Churches opposes, in the strongest terms, the policy of separating children from their parents at the southern US border and is grateful that President Trump has issued an executive order ending the practice after an outcry from leaders

MCC Executive Director condemns Use of Romans 13

Executive Director condemned the U.S. Attorney General for using Romans 13 as a defense to justify separating children and their parents at the southern border.
See Portland Press Herald story


As congregations here in Maine gathered to mark the beginning of Lent with the sign of ashes—ashes that remind us of our mortality and of our need for repentance—students, teachers, administrators, families and first responders in Parkland and Coral Springs, Florida, suffered a horrific and unthinkable tragedy

Protecting God’s Creation

MCC Board President Bonny Rodden and Rep. Betty Austin discuss solar and food waste bills at the Environmental Priorities Coalition breakfast at the Statehouse.