Care for Our Common Home

More than 75 people from a variety of faith traditions joined the Maine Council of Churches and the National Religious Partnership for the Environment in a multi-faith forum, “Caring for Our Common Home,” at Bowdoin College on Oct. 25th.
Statement from the Executive Director and Board of Directors regarding recent events in Lewiston’s mayoral race

MCC leaders wrote to Maine’s major newspapers today condemning the recent racist attack on a mayoral candidate in Lewiston, unequivocally denouncing the racism and calling for civil discourse in the elections process.
Maine Humanities Council to host Climate Change event on Oct. 24th
The Maine Humanities Council, in partnership with the Portland Museum of Art (PMA), the Gulf of Maine Research Institute, and the Margaret Chase Smith Policy Center, is hosting a one-day forum called “Communicating Climate Change,” on Saturday, October… Read More
Maine Council of Churches Names New Executive Director

The Maine Council of Churches has named Rev. Jane Field as its new Executive Director
The Maine Council of Churches Sponsors a Multi-Faith Dialogue on “Care for Our Common Home” Sunday, October 25 at Bowdoin College

Presenters from diverse faith communities will lead dialogue on climate change and social justice in response to Pope Francis’ recent eco-justice encyclical.
Religious Community Responds to General Assistance Ballot Initiative

Members of Maine’s religious community reacted Sept. 23 with deep concern to a proposed ballot initiative that threatens the safety and well-being of low-income Mainers and masks the underlying economic issues that cause poverty in our state.
Falmouth Clergy Lead Conversations on Pope’s Environmental Message

The Falmouth ecumenical clergy invite the public to a series of discussions on “Earth, Our Common Home,” led by clergy from various denominations and inspired by the Pope’s new teaching letter and concern about climate change.
Pathways to Prosperity

Dr. Donna Beegle to lead “Pathways to Prosperity,” a hands-on conference to eradicate poverty, in Bridgton on Oct. 16.
National Commission on Hunger to Host Public Forum in Portland on July 30

The Maine Council of Churches is collaborating with the the National Hunger Commission and several other partners to host a public hearing in Portland on July 30, 2015 from 8:30 am – 4 pm at the University of Southern Maine’s Wishcamper Center, Lee Community Hall.