National Commission on Hunger to Host Public Forum in Portland on July 30
The National Commission on Hunger invites the public to provide input on how to ensure Americans have access to sufficient, healthy food. Public testimony will inform the Commission’s recommendations to Congress and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). The 10-member National Commission on Hunger is a congressionally appointed bipartisan commission charged with developing innovative reforms in both public and private food assistance programs to reduce or eliminate food insecurity. The recommendations are meant to include ways to more effectively use USDA programs and funds. As part of its information-gathering process, the Commission is conducting a series of public hearings across the country. The Commission, in collaboration with USDA, RTI International, the Maine Hunger Initiative at Preble Street, and the Maine Council of Churches, will host a public hearing in Portland, ME, on July 30, 2015 at the University of Southern Maine; Lee Community Hall; 34 Bedford Street; Wishcamper Center; Portland, ME 04104 from 8:30 am – 4 pm EDT. Invited speakers will testify from 9:00 am – 2:00pm EDT. The Commission will then listen to testimony from the general public from 2 pm – 4 pm EDT. The public and media are invited to the full hearing. The public can sign up to testify on the Commission website or on the day of the hearing at the location. All testimonies will be recorded and made available to the public. Commissioners will be on hand to speak with the press about the significance of the hearing and of their charge. To learn more about the Commission, the public hearing, invited speakers, and upcoming events, visit the Commission website. To contact the Commission: 1) submit a message or 2) send a tweet to the Commission @NatlCommHunger.
The Hunger Commission held public hearings in Albany, New York; Little Rock, Arkansas; Oakland, California; El Paso, Texas; and Washington, DC. For further information on this event or other Commission activities, please contact Andrea S. Anater, PhD at RTI International at 919-541-6977 or