Meet MCC’s Summer Intern

Meet Lucy Hadley, Colby College Class of 2016, who will serve as summer intern at MCC.
MCC’s Legislative Ministry
During the current session of the Maine State Legislature, the Council has been hard at work advocating for civil discourse amongst our legislators, and supporting passage of our five priority bills. Toward that end, incoming President Bonny Rodden,… Read More
MCC Welcomes New Board Members and New President

At its Annual Assembly on January 15, the MCC Board elected Bonny Rodden its new president, and welcomed three new board members.
Vassalboro Friends make a statement by going solar
The congregation at the Vassalboro Friends Meeting put their Quaker values into action by upgrading their 19th century building to solar energy. Read the Central Maine Sentinel’s story about this ambitious and important project. Selfless Quaker Principles shining in… Read More
Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday Events Around the State

Many events to celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday are being planned around Maine.
MCC Launches Civil Discourse Initiative at State House

On Wednesday, Jan. 6th, the MCC board delivered letters to every senator and representative in Augusta, urging them to adopt the principles of civil discourse. Rev. Jane Field offered the opening prayer in the House to start the new legislative session.
Maine Council of Churches to Co-Sponsor Vigils for Victims of Gun Violence

Three years after 20 students and 6 teachers were shot to death at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newton, CT, three vigils are scheduled to honor victims and reduce gun violence. All are welcome.
MCC Board Decries LePage’s Pronouncement to Keep Syrian Refugees Out of Maine

At its November 20 meeting, the Board of Directors of the Maine Council of Churches voted to publicly denounce Gov. LePage’s statement about Syrian refugees coming to Maine. Sample letters are available for congregations that want to take action.
MCC Issues Press Release Calling Out Incivility and Prejudice In Lewiston Mayoral Race

The Maine Council of Churches issued a statement to the media on Nov. 12 calling out another instance of incivility and prejudice in the Lewiston mayoral race.
Interreligious Dialogue in a Time of Conflict

On November 10, a diverse crowd gathered at USM’s Abromson Center to commemorate the fifty-year anniversary “Nostra Aetate” (In Our Time), a groundbreaking declaration acknowledging that the beliefs and practices of other religions often reflect a ray of that Truth which illuminates all human beings.