Maine Council of Churches to Co-Sponsor Vigils for Victims of Gun Violence

Three years after 20 students and 6 teachers were shot to death at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newton, CT, three vigils are scheduled in Portland, Brunswick and Cumberland to honor victims and reduce gun violence. The vigils are being conducted by Maine Moms Demand Action and the Maine Council of Churches in conjunction with Faiths United to Prevent Gun Violence. All are welcome.
On Wednesday, Dec. 9, from 7 to 8 p.m., a prayer vigil will be held in the chapel of St. Luke’s Cathedral on State Street in Portland to honor victims, survivors and family members of those lost to gun violence. It is the same day the National Vigil will be held in Washington DC.
On Saturday, Dec. 12 from 2 to 4 p.m. the Unitarian Universalist Church of Brunswick is hosting a remembrance called “Light Into Darkness-Finding Hope” ending with a candlelight vigil and featuring the effects of gun violence on families and communities. Speakers include Judi and Wayne Richardson, parents of Darien who was lost to gun violence after she was shot in her Portland home, and Matthew Perry of Family Crisis Services of Cumberland County. Jane Field, former youth minister in Wilton, CT will speak on the Sandy Hook shootings’ impact on the community. The Rev. Field is currently the Executive Director of the Maine Council of Churches.
On Monday, Dec. 14, the third anniversary of the shootings at Sandy Hook, the final tribute will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Friends School of Portland. It is also a remembrance and call to action. The school is located at 11 Route One in Cumberland, north of the Falmouth town line.
The Maine Council of Churches is a founding member of Faith Leaders Against Gun Violence (now known as Faiths United to Prevent Gun Violence).
Maine Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense is a local chapter working to put a citizen’s initiative on the ballot to require background checks for all gun sales in Maine.
For more information, please contact Leslie Manning at [email protected].