In our faith communities this March, let’s celebrate the women who tell our stories, including women preachers.

In Maine’s history, one of the woman preacher-storytellers whose story could be celebrated in your church or meeting this month is Rev. Margaret K. Henrichsen.  She was a young widow who, in the 1940’s, came to Maine to serve

The lectionary assigns Psalm 121 to be read on the second Sunday in Lent this year:

Imagine inviting God to slow you down and teach you how to rest this Lenten season.  I wonder how this invitation might shape your discipline and practice in surprising ways.

The Temptations’ Greatest Hits

First Week of Lent 2023
On the first Sunday of Lent, we hear the story of how Jesus was tempted by the devil after his 40 days and 40 nights of fasting in the wilderness.

click to read more…

Lent begins today

Ash Wednesday


In 1926, historian and educator Dr. Carter G. Woodson began the observance of “Negro History Week.” Woodson, who held a master’s degree from the University of Chicago and a Ph.D. from Harvard University, recognized that Black people were underrepresented in the books and scholarly communication that had shaped the dominant culture’s narrative of American history.

Committed to Listen: MLK Day 2023

Monday, January 16, 2023 
12:15 pm (Eastern) • Online

Click here to view the recoding of the reading

Neighbors Need ME: 
A faith-based movement for hope, housing equity, and home

Please sign on and share this far and wide with your congregations and communities and encourage them to sign on.

AND save the date of Wed. Dec. 7th for the Prayer Vigil in Augusta.

Resources to Help Protect Houses of Worship

Resources to Help Protect Houses of Worship

Video Recording Now Available

A conversation with author and theologian Carter Heyward

Co-hosted by the Maine Council of Churches and The BTS Center

Wednesday, September 21, 2022
4:00 pm-5:30 pm (Eastern) • Online

H.R.6707 – Advancing Equality for Wabanaki Nations Act

On July 14th, the U.S. House passed HR 6707, Advancing Equality for Wabanaki Nations Act, with strong bipartisan support, 277-150, as part of the FY2023 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).
Click for more information and resources.