“love of neighbor”

Last time in this blog series, we introduced you to our newly adopted mission, vision, values and strategy statements [ Blog #1] and did some unpacking of the new mission/vision statement.

This time, we’ll unpack the values undergirding and shaping MCC’s work and witness.


Following a year-long process of careful listening and deep discernment, MCC’s Board of Directors adopted new mission, vision, values and strategy statements on June 22, 2023, enthusiastically committing to moving boldly forward into the organization’s future while treasuring its 85-year history of faithful ecumenical witness and work in Maine.

Storytelling as a Spiritual Practice

Saturday, September 30
9:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Saint Joseph’s College Campus

Protecting Houses of Worship

Tuesday, Sept.26, 2023
9:00 am – 12:30 pm
Caribou Performing Arts Center

MCC Celebrating PRIDE

“Together With Pride”

MCC Board member and Episcopal rep, Bonny Rodden, and MCC President, Alyssa Lodewick along with members of Maine Unitarian Universalist State Advocacy Network – MUUSAN

Portland Pride

Click Here to Read MCC’s Spring Newsletter

Whether you read the print edition that arrives in your mailbox, or the digital version available through the link, you’ll see that we let our work speak for itself through our newsletter.  The articles tell the story better than any fundraising appeal ever could: the Maine Council of Churches makes a difference—in the life of our congregations, in the lives of people of faith and good will, and in the lives of our most vulnerable neighbors who need trusted allies and advocates to stand with them for justice, compassion and peace.

Read our Testimony IN OPPOSITION TO:

LD 51
LD 1098
LD 1209

“Dead Man Walking”

“This morning, during chore time, the student who was responsible for feeding the gerbils noticed that Whitey [I kid you not, so help me God, the classroom gerbils were named Whitey and Blackie!] …the child noticed that Whitey wasn’t moving around in his cage.

Changing the Things We Cannot Accept

Last Thursday, hundreds of people came to the State House in Augusta for an historic event: the Chiefs of the Wabanaki tribes delivered the first State of the Tribes address in more than 20 years.  They spoke to a joint session of the Maine State House of Representatives and Senate and their honored guests. Click HERE to watch the video recording.

The Other Good Samaritan

The conversation Jesus of Nazareth has with the Samaritan woman at the well (John 4:5-42) is the longest dialogue he has with anyone in any of the gospels—longer than those he has with his disciples, or with his accusers, or even with his own family members. 

The assigned text for the third Sunday of Lent this year, the story of this conversation