Maine’s Faith Communities Observe Gun Safety Awareness Sabbath

Seek peace and pursue it.
Psalm 34:14
The weekend of February 16-18, 2024, faith communities in Maine are participating in a “Gun Safety Awareness Sabbath,” praying in unity for safety from gun violence for our families, communities, and state.
In the last decade, the rate of gun deaths in Maine grew by 20% and the rate of suicide by gun grew 27%. In an average year, guns kill nearly 150 Mainers, 8 of them children. Every 67 hours here in Maine, someone kills themselves using a gun. Every 67 hours.
We can do better. We must do better. Let us begin by joining our voices in prayer this Gun Safety Awareness Sabbath weekend. And then, let our prayers inspire action to ensure that Mainers who own guns do so safely and responsibly, that those who sell firearms are empowered and required to protect our communities from those who are unable to practice safe and responsible gun ownership, and that the capacity of guns to inflict mass casualties is limited.
For information about getting involved in advocacy efforts: Maine Gun Safety Coalition
For faith-based resources: Maine Council of Churches and remember that each denomination and faith tradition has resources specifically designed for your community of faith.
Together, let us pray and work for the common good.