Lent Week 4
Most of us have been taught, especially in the context of the story of Jesus on the cross, that salvation is something that happens after you die. However, in the bible, salvation is almost always referring to the… Read More
MCC joins BFW in urging White House to host conference on food, nutrition and hunger

Dear President Biden,
As pastors, faith leaders, and clergy from many faiths and traditions and every region of the United
States, we commend Congress and your administration for initiating and enacting multiple bills
during the ongoing pandemic to provide assistance for people living with hunger.
Lent Week 3
Jesus takes his place as king among people who are suffering. He invites us to follow his model and find ourselves not just abstractly for, but alongside, with and intrinsically connected to the marginalized. Activism, even in the… Read More
Lent Week 2
Life with Jesus requires holding the tension that the world and things within us and around us are full of pain, but God holds us with kindness and tenderness all the same. We are often harder on ourselves… Read More
As promised, we’re sharing an entry from Week 1 of the Lent 2022 devotional by Brandi Miller of “Reclaiming My Theology:
I do not ignore the theological and metaphysical interpretation of the Christian doctrine of salvation. But the underprivileged everywhere have long since abandoned any hope that this type of salvation deals with the crucial issues by which their… Read More
Thinking about resuming in person worship?
In recent days, we at MCC have fielded a number of inquiries from local congregations wondering if this is the right time to return to holding in-person services in their church buildings. First and foremost, we encourage churches to… Read More
Ash Wednesday 2022
There is a Jewish saying that we should all carry a note in each pocket. In one pocket, the note should read “For you the universe was created.” The note in the other, “You are dust.” Each year… Read More
With unanimous support from its seven member denominations, the Board of Directors of the Maine Council of Churches has expanded the position of its Executive Director from part-time to full-time, effective August 1, 2021, for a designated term of… Read More
Letter to the editor: Maine people of faith should get vaccinated
Loving both God and neighbor means we must do all we can to protect those around us from the coronavirus. from the Portland Press Herald Opinion August, 28. 2021 This week’s headlines – “Under siege, hospitals plead with Mainers:… Read More
The Giving Winds Capital Campaign: 15-Years of Partnership
Our guest blog this week comes from our respected colleagues at Four Directions Development Corporation, a nonprofit Native American Community Development Financial Institution providing loans and free financial education services to tribes and tribal members in Maine. The Giving Winds Capital Campaign:… Read More