MCC joins our voice with others in Maine condemning the white supremacist terrorist attack against our Muslim siblings in New Zealand
Portland/Augusta/Bangor, Maine, March 15, 2019–
unifymaine condemns the mass killings of Muslims in 2 Mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand. We send our condolences to the families and Mosque members affected by the shooting in Christchurch. To target people who are simply trying to worship in their own way is unconscionable.
We stand with Muslim communities in Maine and around the world in condemning this hateful atrocity. Muslims should be able to pray without fear of deadly violence.
Hate and violence continue to spread throughout our country. We want to make it known that acts of hate have no place in our Maine communities. Maine has continued to grow in diversity over the last decade. We need to speak up when degrading language is used toward Muslims and persons of other religious faiths. Maine houses of worship have been targeted before. Hope is not enough. We in Maine must be more than bystanders when those in our midst openly encourage acts of hate based on religion or what country a person’s ancestors came from.
unifymaine wants to speak loudly and clearly: hate based on anti-Muslim bias and hate toward other religions has no place in Maine, in America, or in the world.
unifymaine is joined individually in this statement by: Holocaust and Human Rights Center of Maine; Maine Women’s Lobby; Greater Bangor Area Branch NAACP; Maine Human Rights Commission; Steve Wessler, individually; Maine Council of Churches; Maine Unitarian Universalist State Advocacy Network; and Disability Rights Maine.
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