Action Alert: Show Up in Augusta on Wednesday, March 26

The legislature has announced that the public hearing on 2 top priority gun safety bills, LD 677 and LD 1126, will be held Wednesday, March 26.

We are asking everyone who can to come to the State House in Augusta on Wednesday, March 26. It is vital we have a large, passionate crowd who can continue to convey to legislators the urgency of passing strong gun safety legislation this year.

Lawmakers will hear testimony on these proposals to require serialization of gun parts to crack down on ‘ghost guns,’ unserialized and untraceable guns that dangerous people can purchase online without a background check and assemble at home, and to ban the manufacturing, sale, and use of bump stocks that turn semi-automatic rifles into dangerous automatic style weapons.

These are critical, common-sense proposals that will help keep guns out of dangerous hands, crack down on crime guns on our streets, and protect our communities. But we have to show up strong on Wednesday. We know the gun lobby will.

We need to make sure our legislators know that this is a top priority for Mainers of faith. You can sign up HERE here if you’re able to make it to the State House on Wednesday.

MCC’s trusted partner organization, The Maine Gun Safety Coalition, has prepared a toolkit and a video training on both bills for those of you who decide to submit testimony. Also check out Maine Council of Churches’ simple, user-friendly guide on how to write faith-based testimony and submit it in writing or in person.

Please click here for the TOOLKIT, including talking points and bill info for people who are testifying (and other info, including for people who aren’t testifying).

Please click HERE  to watch the MGSC training about the March 26 bills. Passcode: k8fi@l##