Book Group

MCC will serve as a “matchmaker,” collecting names and meeting preferences from all who wish to join a group and then putting folks in touch with 5-10 others with whom they share preferences and/or geographic proximity. Groups will use Keys to Bonhoeffer’s Haus: Exploring the World and Wisdom of Dietrich Bonhoeffer by Laura Fabrycky, as a basis for study, reflection, mutual sharing and support, and action planning. We’ll provide a discussion guide for the book. In late October, there will be an opportunity for all the groups to gather online for a debrief and possibly even a meeting with the author! You can check out the publisher, Broadleaf Books (Augsburg/Fortress Press), HERE and order your copy directly from them—even better, go to your local bookseller and ask them to order it for you.
The Book groups will meet during September. Click the registration link below for more information.