Children and Family Ministries Coordinator
Hours: 10 hours/week
Pay: $20/hr
Areas of Responsibility
HGW Kids:
- envisioning a workable plan for curriculum and format of classes
- lead Teaching Sunday morning class
- recruiting and training assistant HGW Kids teachers
- envision and coordinate other educational and enrichment opportunities for kids and families
Families and Children:
- recruiting and connecting with children and their families associated with the HGW community
– welcoming, engaging, registering, visiting families - planning and coordinating HGW family events/gatherings
– regular (ie monthly or bimonthly) gatherings for a subset of families
– one time events for families - community building between families/parents
– online groups, studies for parents, workshops
Must be 18 or older. Preference for someone familiar with the HGW Community.
For more information and to apply contact Sara Ewing Merrill, lead pastor.
HopeGateWay Community of Faith
509 Forest Ave. | Portland, ME 04101
207.899.2435 |