Lent Week 4

Most of us have been taught, especially in the context of the story of Jesus on the cross, that salvation is something that happens after you die. However, in the bible, salvation is almost always referring to the conditions and situations in which people find themselves. They are praying to be saved from oppression, hunger, military occupation, slavery, injustice, suppression of their culture, or dangerous circumstances. This is really different from an ethereal saving that we cannot quantify or know in our present being. If we believe in a later salvation that God accomplishes on a cosmic level, we certainly shouldn’t find ourselves above practicing that value as we follow Jesus. The point isn’t to become saviors ourselves, but to join Jesus in making the world a place where people do not need to cry out for salvation.
Every step toward justice is one step closer to the world that we partner with God and Jesus to create. What step have you taken during this season of Lent?