Eco Preacher Workshop

with Rev. Dr. Leah Schade
and special guest Rabbi Yonatan Neril
Thursday, May 19, 2022 12:30 – 3:00 pm (Eastern) Online
Registration fee: $25/person
Please contact [email protected] if you are in need of a scholarship.

In these times of accelerating climate change and devastating losses, we need spiritual leadership that is strong enough to speak prophetically to the challenges at hand, yet tender and nuanced enough to allow the message to resonate. Those of us who preach regularly, or even occasionally, can feel at a loss as to how to incorporate climate change into our sermons and reflections, complex and painful as these subjects are. And yet, the need for preaching in a climate-changed world is profound.
Knowing the importance of ecological preaching, The BTS Center is pleased to partner with Rev. Dr. Leah D. Schade and Rabbi Yonatan Neril for an Eco Preacher Workshop in which participants will gain tools to become “EcoPreachers” in their contexts.
Here’s an opportunity to:
- Discover a new perspective for engaging the Bible that deepens and expands your faith.
- Learn how we can proclaim justice for God’s Creation in the face of climate change and other environmental issues.
- Be equipped with the knowledge and tools you need to make your preaching relevant, courageous, and creative.
- Be inspired to make a difference for our planet, your community, and our future.