On Line Screening and Live Q&A
Thursday, March 24 7-9pm EST
with artist Rob Shetterly and activists Reggie Harris and Maulian Dana, both of whom are featured in the film
Truth Tellers is a new documentary film about Maine artist and activist Robert Shetterly and his project Americans Who Tell the Truth. In the film, Shetterly uses art to celebrate the voices of courageous past and present activists fighting for racial equity, environmental justice, and indigenous rights. Over the years, Shetterly has painted over 250 portraits of truth-tellers such as Penobscot Nation leaders Sherri Mitchell and Maulian Dana; environmental activists Kelsey Juliana, Bill McKibben and Rev. Lennox Yearwood; and Civil Rights leaders Fannie Lou Hamer, John Lewis, and Martin Luther King, among many others. The film chronicles the work of Shetterly along with nine subjects of these portraits to educate and inspire students around models of moral courage throughout U.S. history. The film premiered in September 2021 at the Camden Film Festival in Maine, and The BTS Center is pleased to offer this public screening in partnership with the Maine Council of Churches.
We invite you to join us for a screening of Truth Tellers followed by a live question and answer session with artist Rob Shetterly and activists Reggie Harris and Maulian Dana, both of whom are featured in the film.
This event is free, but contributions will be gratefully received to support The Wabanaki Alliance, one of the local efforts spotlighted in the Truth Tellers movie.