In the wake of the horrific events unfolding in our nation’s Capitol Building this afternoon, we are calling on Maine’s congregations, people of faith, and people of good will to come together tonight at 7pm for an outdoor candlelight prayer vigil for unity, solidarity, and peace–a peace that’s built with justice and a justice that’s guided by love.
Please wear a face mask and observe social distance. You can choose to gather outside your house of worship, or stand outside your home or place of business. Hold a lit candle and remain in a spirit of prayer for 15 minutes.
Even if you are standing by yourself, know that you are not alone. We will be standing together in the Spirit, unified by our love of neighbor and Creator and by our commitment to establishing a peaceful and just community and nation where grace, dignity, respect, truth and compassion are protected and preserved.
We hope that you will share photos or short videos of your vigil with us. They will serve as inspiration for the days ahead.