Staying Safe Faithfully

As the numbers of new cases, hospitalizations and deaths from COVID-19 continue to surge here in Maine, across our nation, and around the world, MCC has partnered with Rev. Dr. Marvin Ellison (formerly of Bangor Theological Seminary) to produce a video featuring faith leaders from across our state calling on congregations, persons of all faiths and no faith to “Stay Safe Faithfully” by wearing face masks and practicing social distancing when in public, and refraining from attending in-person worship services. The video features short, personal reflections from Rev. Dr. Bill Barter, Anne D. Burt, Rev. Linette George, Rev. Phyllis Merritt, Rabbi Darah Lerner, Rev. Reba Delzell and Bishop Thomas Brown. Many thanks to these leaders for their voices and vision, and special thanks to video editor Sophia Paddon.
During this holiday season, we would especially like to recognize and honor all those congregations in Maine who have made the difficult decision to transition to online worship space. It is a testimony to your willingness to make sacrifices on behalf of the neighbors we are all called to love. Thank you for your courage, creativity and compassion.
And to everyone who is faithfully wearing their face masks, practicing social distancing, and foregoing holiday parties, travel, and gatherings with folks outside your “bubble,” thank you. You are embodying a moral and loving response that protects others, especially the most vulnerable among us.
Wishing you the Advent blessings of hope, peace, joy and love, even–and especially– during these difficult days.