Maine Interfaith Advocacy Days – March 27 & 28

This two-day event is designed to bring people of all faiths together in our state capital to worship, learn, and advocate effectively with Maine’s legislators on the issues of hunger, homelessness, health care, and climate justice.
On the first day of the event, keynote speakers, panel presentations, and in-depth workshops will give participants the tools they need to become effective advocates who can articulate informed positions rooted in our faiths’ common social justice traditions. Participants register for two workshops (choose from hunger, homelessness, health care, and climate justice) led by policy experts and theologians in those fields.
On day two, equipped with that information and inspiration, participants will spend time at the State House in Augusta speaking directly with their Representatives and Senators about pending legislation. Grounded in our shared traditions of justice, peace and the integrity of creation, we will strengthen our voices of faith and mobilize for action.
Please join us in Augusta on March 27 and 28!
Sponsored by:
Maine Council of Churches
Maine Episcopal Network for Justice
Preble Street Faith Action Network
Capital Area Multi-faith Association
Winthrop Area Ministerial Association
Faith Linking in Action, Bangor
Maine Unitarian Universalist State Advocacy Network(MUUSAN)
For more information contact:
John Hennessy
Maine Episcopal Network for Justice, [email protected]
Jane Field
Maine Council of Churches, [email protected]