U.S. Sen. Collins Urges Civil Discourse in Politics

Orono, ME — U.S. Senator Susan Collins delivered the Margaret Chase Smith Public Affairs Lecture at the University of Maine today. The address, “Incivility and Hyperpartisanship: Is Washington a Symptom or a Cause,” discussed the prevalence of polarization, division, and dysfunction in our nation’s capital and how we can address these challenges to achieve progress.
In her speech, Senator Collins stressed the need for civility and respect for differing viewpoints in our effort to find solutions in our communities and in our government, “In Washington, we who represent the people of this great nation must put progress over partisanship, statesmanship over stridency, and compromise over conflict. That would produce a very different legislative climate, one in which the objective is to solve the problem, not just to score political points.”
First elected in 1996, Senator Collins is currently serving her 4th term in the U.S. Senate where she is known for her work in facilitating bipartisan compromise.
To read the whole speech, click HERE.