Sabbath for Reproductive Justice

Please join faith leaders throughout Maine in prayerfully observing January 22-23, 2022 as a Sabbath for Reproductive Justice.
As we collectively mark the 48th anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court’s Roe v Wade decision, we encourage you to preach about reproductive health, rights, and justice and thereby help your congregants think more deeply about these matters in light of their faith commitments and values.

1. Mark January 22-23, 2022 on your calendar for the Sabbath for Reproductive Justice.

2. Email us at to let us know that you’re planning to participate.

3. We’ll send you a link to worship resources (litanies, prayers, and sample sermons) for the RJ Sabbath observance.

4. In early January, we’ll invite you to a Zoom session to prepare yourself and your congregation for the Sabbath for Reproductive Justice.

Please spread the word to your colleagues — and ask them to be in touch with us.


Rev. Marvin Ellison
Willard S. Bass Professor Emeritus, Bangor Theological Seminary

Rev. Jane Field
Executive Director, Maine Council of Churches